Hi, I am Xiao. I am a web developer, web designer, programmer and a hobbyist photographer.
For frontend development, in addition to HTML, CSS and JS, I use frameworks such as Angular, React, Vue and so on to help with building complex applications. I have also dabbled in Preact, Svelte, Stenciljs and AngularJS.
For backend developerment, I am proficient in NodeJS, with some experience in Golang, PHP and python.
For unit testing and API testing and monitoring, I frequently rely on Mocha and Chai.
For database management, I have experience working with MySQL, MongoDB, ArangoDB and CouchDB.
For NoOps, I have worked with Openshift.
For stuff less related to the web, I have experience in the development of Android apps using Java, messing around with graphics (SVG, painter, photoshop, lightroom), and ThreeJS.
My current interest lies in Webassembly, WebRTC P2P and Golang.
I am also highly interested in applying my expertise in projects concerning scientific research.